Senior Lecturer in University School
Area of Languages and Information Systems
Department of Computer Sciences
Contact information
Faculty of Legal & Labour Sciences
Despacho B-203
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 823
1st term
Degree in Law
V08G081V01101 | Computer: New technologies applied to law
2nd term
1st term
On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Online Secretariat.
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Online Secretariat.
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Online Secretariat.
2nd term
On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Virtual Secretariat.
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Virtual Secretariat.
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Virtual Secretariat.
Research group
Linguaxes e Sistemas Informáticos
Research topics
- As novas tecnoloxías aplicadas á educación
- As novas tecnoloxías aplicadas ao dereito (informática forense)