The recent history of the Faculty of Legal and Labour Sciences starts, under this name, with the Decree 66/2002 of February 28, of the Regional Government of Galicia. With this regulation this new centre, the Faculty of Legal and Labour Sciences, was created, with the following degrees: Five-year Degree in Economic-Business Law and Diploma in Labour Relations.

These studies had been taught for years in the city of Vigo, in the University Campus. Regarding the studies in Law, the Decree 192/1993 of July 29 authorised the implementation of the five-year degree in Law in the University of Vigo as delegated section of the Faculty of Law in the Campus of Ourense.

On the other hand, the Decree 274/19991, on July 30, created the University School of Social Graduate as centre associated to the University of Vigo, by conversion of the Seminar of Social Studies of Vigo, and it was authorised the implementation of the studies of the five-years degree in social graduated. Afterwards, by means of the Degree 216/1999, on July 15, the change of name of the University School of Social Graduate associated with the Campus of Vigo into the University School of Labour Relations was authorised, taking the studies already authorised and ratified by the Decree 247/1992 of July 30 of the five-year degree in Labour Relations.

Ultimately, this faculty was created by the transformation of the Delegated Section of the Faculty of Law and by the integration of the labour relations degree, which eliminates the University School of Labour Relations.

The Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the arrangements for official university teaching and which regulates the transition to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) motivating the change of the existing degrees in two new degrees: the Bachelor’s Degree in Law and the Bachelor’s Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources.

At the same time, this transformation process also affected the master’s degrees and, thereby, we can find 4 master’s degrees: Master’s Degree in Business Law, Master’s Degree in Advocacy, Master’s Degree in Labour Management and Direction and Master’s Degree in Minors in Situations of Vulnerability and Social Conflict.